Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recession has hit us too …

For those who thought India was not going to be affected like other places w.r.t. the recession and those in my organization especially who thought so, were in for a rude awakening… Today morning we got a general mailer from the head of HR and Admin stating that the evening snacks that were fully subsidized (read as fully free) were no longer going to be … starting 1st December. Also the bus travel which was partly subsidized will also now be on cost basis … That would be at the most a 1% saving for them but then the scary part is what is going to follow!!! For sure something is going to happen. No one can remain totally unaffected by the happenings @ Wall Street and other places around the world. So in the corridors and the meeting rooms and the pantry and the parking lots, people are only discussing this topic.

Moreover, for an organization which boasts of no retrenching since its inception in 1988, can we be spared of any pink slips this time? Considering the fact that the pundits are hailing this as the worst ever recession to hit the globe yet!

So although we won’t be having those free ragda-samosa or the pineapple juice, all would only hope there aren’t any unscheduled “come and see me mails” or any more shocking general mailers.
Wish us all a bon appetite :)

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