Monday, June 09, 2008

Sarkar Raj ...A Big(B) Blunder?

I remember 3 years back I had typed a review for Sarkar which was an atempt to renew the Godfather magiv on the hindi cinema scene .. The same director has come out with a sequel to it ... named Sarkar Raj .. much on the same lines as Godfather II. And I watched it yesterday .. It was no-where near the hollywood sequel.
If it has to be a described in short, Sarkar Raj was an attempt at bringing together the Bachhan family together on the silver screen. How else can one explain why Anita (played by Ash) who is a London based businesswoman takes interest in family history of Shankar Nagre (AB-Jr) who is a powerful Mumbai don icon's son and why Shankar and Subhash Nagre (AB-Sr) discuss business in front of Anita - which they avoid doing in front of their reel life families too. I mean come on ... the watching public is no fool.

A story line capable of creating an excellent movie and startcast capable of giving stellar performances was wasted by RGV ... It instead turned out to be a movie with some forced political objectives apparantly and sadly, a slow-mo fizzle.

RGV has done better stuff. Whats wrong now? Probably this was payback time for him.. paying back to the Bachhans :-p

Advise: Watch at your own risk.

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